15 Minions
14 Masters

Book-Devouring Misfit

A 17-year old book lover from the Philippines just living a sedentary lifestyle reading books and writing reviews about them that no one reads. 

Currently reading

Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)
Veronica Rossi
Progress: 310/374 pages

Book Review: The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1) by Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty - Jenny Han

I am utterly disappointed with this book. The high ratings and rave reviews convinced me to read this book at the time I was looking for a light summer read. Oh hell, it wasn't! This book gave me throbbing headaches - so much for a light read!

First of all, I am not into love triangles and our main character here, Belly, is frigging into two boys at a time. Still, I didn't let that fact make me put down this book. I was desperately in need of a light read, for goodness' sake!

Bu then, the sudden change in the time frame gave me the headaches. One moment, I'll be reading from the present and in the next I'll then be reading from another timeline. It got confusing I just skipped those parts when Belly was retelling the past. I swear, I wanted to yell,"I didn't want to know about them anymore, Belly!"

Believe it or not, though I was so close to not finishing this book, I was still able to fight that small voice inside my head telling me to just DNF this already. The ending was freaking predictable. I was internally scolding myself screaming, "I knew it, I knew it!" 

Don't know if I'm looking forward to the sequel. Maybe when I'm having those "time-for-a-stupid-book-day" I will read it. But for now, just not yet. NO.
