A 17-year old book lover from the Philippines just living a sedentary lifestyle reading books and writing reviews about them that no one reads.
Here's the thing about Matched: the plot's very predictable and bleak – no suspense, no I'm-on-the-edge-of-my-seat moment; in other words, boring.
It started out pretty well for me but then as I made progress, I found myself skimming the pages, no longer bothering if I missed some important details or not because as I said earlier, it's predictable. Nothing worth piquing my interest. Well maybe, except of course, for the poetry. I'd give credits to Ally Condie for using some poetry here and also for her writing style. It was smooth and unique in a way I can't explain. It made me give this book a 1.5 rating instead of a one.
But still, Matched and I are absolutely incompatible. We are not a match and yes, pun intended. This is just sad. I love dystopian books but this one just didn't get to me. I'd still find some time to read the rest of the trilogy, though. Yes, I am that considerate.