A 17-year old book lover from the Philippines just living a sedentary lifestyle reading books and writing reviews about them that no one reads.
I tremendously loved Flatt-Out Matt. It was really nice to finally be inside Matt's head, hear and feel his thoughts, and be able to know more of him.
I think it was great that Jessica Park also brought us to know the real Finn – even though it was just a slight glimpse of him. The prequel with Finn's part and Matt's old life was just very touching. I empathized with him even more.
The ending – if not perfect – at least, it felt real. I wanted to know more of what will happen between Julie and Matt's relationship more than just knowing that they gave theirselves to each other. But then, being the horny teenager that I am (Yes, I admit. You admit it too.), the ending was tolerable. Love is more than just sex, is what I want to point out. But this is not my work, this is Jessica Park's – the woman whose work is now one of my favorite contemporary books ever!
Go forth and read Flat-Out Love now. You must not miss it for the world.