15 Minions
14 Masters

Book-Devouring Misfit

A 17-year old book lover from the Philippines just living a sedentary lifestyle reading books and writing reviews about them that no one reads. 

Currently reading

Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)
Veronica Rossi
Progress: 310/374 pages

Book Review: Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi

I liked the book's cover. Hell, enticing covers are one of the reasons why I decide to read a certain book. In Shatter Me's case, the description wasn't really an enough reason for me to want to read the book. But then I saw the positive reviews of my Goodreads friends so I decided to give it a try.

Okay so here we go. This is where the proper review begins - well not really proper because at this moment I am still unable to think of anything coherent. And that is because this book is SO GOOD - really, really good. I am even out of any more adjectives to describe how good this book is. (Okay so maybe the word good is becoming a bit redundant now, but whatever.) This was just one of those books that you cannot put down because you wanted so badly to find out what happens next. I kept resisting the urge of flipping the next page just to find out what will happen. 

As for the characters, I loved how at first Juliet was a person who feels miserable, wanting to have a home and thinks she's a monster. But as the book progressed, she somehow finally began to feel and see the human in her. And how did it happen? Well because of Adam, of course! He sees and unleashes the good in her. Hm, I looove Adam. Though I admit, Juliette bugs the hell out of me. Because of her, this book ends up in my 'annoying characters' shelf.

There's also this tiny, itsy bitsy part of me that likes Warner. That egotistical, war-craving maniac? And I'm feeling a bit of love for him? I know right?! How is that even possible??? I should not like him but I somehow do (a little). 

I may have loved this book a lot - and Adam, Kenji, and James too ( I THINK THEY'RE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS. IDK.)- however, I still didn't give this book a full five-star rating. And that was because of the overly dramatic metaphors and repetitive words and phrases that I think Mafi intended for giving a more emotional and expressive feel for the situation but I didn't think they helped much at all. Some actually annoyed the hell out of me. But it was okay, they were still tolerable. I somehow even managed not to notice them anymore when I was already in the middle of the book where the scenes got more intense. 

As for the ending, I was quite satisfied with it though I still wanted more, which only makes me more stoked for the sequel.